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Sugar blast is a third-person shooter set in an overrun candy factory! Take up your boots and soda-pack as the monkey-mechanic and shoot your way through the waves of robots!


Sugar Blast is a Third Person Shooter, where the player has to survive waves of enemies, using mutliple weapons to work their way to the top of a leader board. I joined this project as a UI/UX designer, after the concept was established but before pre-production, focussing on establishing what UI & systems are needed, designing the screen flow & wireframes and working with a multi disciplinary team to bring it to a playable state.


The player enters the game via a HUB world, where they can get accustomed to the controls & movement. When they're ready, the player enters the main game, clearing a set amount of enemies in a set amount of waves, before moving on to the next level. The player gains points for clearing enemies & waves, the longer they can go on for the more points they have, which is recorded in a leaderboard after the player dies.


Third-Person, Platformer, Wave Shooter





Team Size: 23

Duration: 16 weeks

Engine: Unreal Engine 4



UI/UX Designer:

  • Research HUD layouts, screenflow & UI features in competitor games

  • Concepted wireframes & screen flow charts

  • Create wireframes for all menu's & HUD elements

  • Prototype & implement scoring system


  • Implemented main menu, pop up tutorials, pause menu & post-game screens

  • Iterate on menu & HUD designs

  • Create placeholder UI elements

  • Design & iterate on HUB world design












In this project, I was the only UI/UX designer, so I concepted, designed & implemented every UI piece, making it functional with multidisciplinary help from my team. The UI elements I implemented were:​

  • Main menu

  • Pause menu

  • Settings menu

  • Highscore board

  • Tutorial pop-ups

  • HUD elements

    • Alternative crosshairs & ammo counters​

    • Timer

    • Enemy & wave tracker

    • Healthbar & total lives counter

My process was as followed:

Research competitor games, compile conclussions & neccesarry UI elements, create wireframes to fit our needs & implement them, iterating on them until the deadline was near.



What kind of UI is implemented in Vermintide 2?

Warhammer Vermintide 2 is a horde-slaying multiplayer game & had a similiar flow to how we wanted for Sugar Blast: start in a space where you can test your equipment & get a grip on the controls, followed by surviving waves of enemies.

Based on this, we wanted to know what kind of UI is implemented in Vermintide 2? What menu's & screens are implemented, how are they implemented & what would we like to learn from it?

  • HUB level is included to provide players with a low instensity space to practice, before entering high intensity gameplay

  • Menus are generally pop-ups rather than full screen

  • HUD & in-game UI elements are build around the borders of the screen, to obstruct the middle (primary play field) as little as possible

  • Created a Flow chart showing every screen in the game & the flow of each menu


Menu flow in Vermintide
Screen flow concept sugar blast full_edi

Based on research & the needs of the project:

  • Created a screenflow concept, showing the different screens & menu's the player is in throughout the game, and how they flow together

  • Broke down each of these screens, writing out what static information is present & what interactions the player has on a given screen / menu


Menu flow in Vermintide
Screen flow concept sugar blast full_edi
Created mockups & wireframes in Miro

Using Miro, I created wireframes that had the base elements that the project would need.

Wireframes implemented in-game

As a result of the research i did & the needs of the project:

  • Created a screenflow concept, showing the different screens & menu's the player is in throughout the game, and how they flow together

  • Broke down each of these screens, writing out what static information is present & what interactions the player has on a given screen / menu


Menu flow in Vermintide
Screen flow concept sugar blast full_edi
Final implementation of screens
Implementing visuals

The project didn't have available artists to dedicate to UI graphics until the last 3 weeks of our development time, so I collaborated quickly with the artist that took it on, to get a consistent visual language & make it look engaging.

The visual style we settled on was inspired by the color choices I did during initial development, adding in moving backgrounds with bananas to tie it together.

Motion design

Being the first time as a UI/UX designer, I learned how to animate widgets & applied it to every UI element in the screen flow, popping everything in with a little hop.



During the concepting stage, a number of features were already concepted, giving a jumping off point. The list of features that the player would need to see included:

  • Crosshairs & ammo counters​, a different one for each weapon

  • Timer

  • Enemy & wave tracker

  • Healthbar & total lives counter

  • Stamina bar

  • Total score tracker

My process went as followed:

  1. Compile list of features already established

  2. Research HUD layouts in competitive games

  3. Create wireframes & concept additional HUD needs

  4. Implement wireframes & hook up widget functionality

  5. Do a full art & motion design pass over each piece

Implemented HUD


What kind of HUD is implemented in a horde shooter?

2 games that I researched, that had similiar wave based shooting combat, were Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer mode & Splatoon 2's Salmon Run. Both of these games are 3rd person, have similiar movement & combat mechanics, and deal with similiar issues in terms of clarity.

I broke down the in-game screen of both & learned what relevant information the game's offer the player, and how it ensures the most important information isn't lost.

  • Push all HUD elements to the outer edge of the screen, to make sure it doesn't overlap with the player's active playspace

  • Use text sparingly in HUD elements

  • Create strong contrast by layer on white & black borders, ensuring the colorful environment doesn't blend in

  • Use temporary pop up's at the top of the screen to limit eye travel


Crosshairs -concept sketches

In Sugar Blast, there are 3 weapons the player can use;

  • Sour Shot

  • Banana Splitter

  • Bubblegun

It was important to create distinguishing features between each weapon.

I tried to incorporate a candy wrapper feeling to it, to tie the sweet elements of the game into the HUD.

Pictured above: crosshair concept sketches

Implementation & motion design

After picking crosshair concepts from the sketches, I implemented them in the game.

Because each weapon has a different fire rate & handling, I added distinct animations / timing to the crosshairs. This way the player has a visual indicator for how different each weapon works.

Final HUD iteration.gif

Pictured above: Implemented Crosshair


Menu flow in Vermintide
Screen flow concept sugar blast full_edi
Created mockups & wireframes in Miro

Created wireframes in Miro based on the initial HUD feature concepts. In the end there was no need for a mini map & the fuel bar was moved onto the jetpack.

Wireframe implemented in-game

Without much art, the initial wireframe implementation felt very barren and was hard to read, but it gave a good sense of what should go where & what information hierarchy is most readable.


Menu flow in Vermintide
Screen flow concept sugar blast full_edi
Concepting & creating placeholder visuals

Before I got the assistance of an artist, I created a mock up showing different styles (based on the game's aesthetic seed) & developed 1 set fully, to advance my UI/UX testing.

Wireframe implemented in-game

After implementing the HUD backings, the UI started to feel like it was coming forward, with each piece being a unique color to distinguish from each other.


Menu flow in Vermintide
Screen flow concept sugar blast full_edi
Final HUD implementation
Updating visuals

Near the end of the project I quickly worked together with an artist to create updated visuals for the menu's, which in turn required the HUD visuals to be updated as well.

Keeping the distinct colors & the general layout of the HUD, the new backings were more candy like & rounded like the rest of the UI.

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